“ We all have to accept the new reality “ No, actually, we don’t . Exactly this.

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Very good interview .. clearly not " far right "

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Where are the women for these young men. They're building up trouble packing young men together with no outlet, and what it the plan, is it to house all these guys before our own. Also these guys will then be entitled to bring in their relatives. Its quite obvious they want to sew division and get rid of the Irish race. I get so angry every time I see the grinning faces of the three stoges in charge or that sullen faced Helen MdEntee

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After they get settled , passports given from our criminal government... they will be able to bring in their girlfriends, wives family etc. Our schools will be over run, hospitals, doctors etc. This is only the start. Our children will be speaking Arab to keep up. Just look at most places in England now... finished.

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I think that's the plan Alan. Divide and conquer

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I fear too that we have reached tge point of no return Alan

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We have no choice, Gerry. We have to keep fighting and make as man people aware as possible. Thanks for your good work also.

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100%. Trouble guaranteed.

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I've heard through the Philip Dwyer grapevine that they're planing to put 776 migrants/refugees into NUI (Maynooth University for the summer. Locals are either asleep to what's happening or they listen to RTE. I have fears because if they are mainly comprised of young men as they mostly seem to be, then that will be the end of women walking alone in some beauty spots. I myself like to walk the Royal Canal Leixlip to Maynooth stretch and also Castletown and Carton House grounds. There seems to be no awareness of danger in the local towns of Leixlip, Maynooth and Celbridge and up to Kilcock too. We would need to have the Resident Associations backing a push-back. I heard they weren't interested. some of my friends stood in Maynooth square handing out leaflets and were abused. Where will these guys be put in September???

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Things are really coming to a head now, Gerry. And the unstoppable power of the grassroots is beginning to emerge. BTW, you may have intended to say 'shoehorn' instead of 'horseshoe' or did I miss something obvious?

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Three houses across the road from my house have suddenly all gone up for sale together. All owned by the Church and I suspect all to be bought by the state for refugees.

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Fantasy money makes the fantasy world go round...until it suddenly doesn't

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Its not money. They are just digits on the screen

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