Gerry I think you would benefit greatly from this spiritual direction classic https://www.stpauls.ie/index.php/product/introduction-to-the-devout-life-9tbwypxthx

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"God, I suspect, loves people exactly in the fashion they need to be loved. So, I guess, much of the spiritual journey is about figuring out how best to receive his love as much as it is to offer up praises, prayers and love to him in return."

This is the nugget of truth at the heart of a generally brilliant reflection.

Gerry's piece certainly made me ask big questions like, what exactly IS love. Is it a feeling of deep affection for another person? Is it an active thing, like if we bring a cup of tea to someone who needs just that in that moment? Probably both those things, and a lot more besides.

I think of God's love as being like the sunshine that bathes us all (when the clouds disappear of course!) or the sea that sprays us when we venture near the water. No one 'deserves' to be warmed by the sun or made wet by the sea. Whether we're Bill Gates or Joe Bloggs, we allow ourselves to be loved by these facets of nature and it just happens.

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I loved this. You’re allowing time and the Holy Spirit into your field to distil itself, and from within you you access the wisdom that is our birthright. I doff my hat to you sir.

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Put it t'other way around now and again....not so much God loves Me as wow I love God ! Don't need 'proof' other than the living book of Nature and by 'God' I mean whatever turns out to have created the Rose and breathed life into Shakespeare. Indeed rather look forward to that "Undiscover'd country from whose bourn no traveller returns" when 'tis my time to shuffle off this mortal coil!

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When we learn how to receive we properly understand to how give love was the thought bubble....morning Jeananne! Hope all is well.

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Beautiful. For sure God loves us. I think where praising God comes from. Is from gratitude for that truth.

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Wonderful 😊👍

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The underappreciated sacrament of Reconciliation is a great gift provided we use it. It frees us up from being shackled to the past and from giving satisfaction to the evil one because we chose and are afraid to be reconciled with God.

Do we not trust in his great mercy, and do we not trust that we are worthy of being made clean in the blood of the lamb and become bright white as the whitest lamb? God is waiting to embrace, nourish, and love us as in the story of the prodigal son.

The sooner we turn to his grace the sooner we are transformed, and our wineskin is made new to be filled with love that we can then go out and generously share with the world.

HE is waiting for us. Truly, the world would be a better place if we trusted in his promise of salvation.

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What is this need to be loved, why would we strive to have these selfless words without agenda whispered into our ear? Some say it is because that love is our very essence.

We have been told for ever that God is love but as a child I hated the idea of God because of the extinction of species and animals suffering disgusted me. In actual fact even if I ever contemplated His existance I was full of hate, the only time I've hated anything in my life, now it's impossible and that's a mystery!! It took many decades to understand the significance of suffering and that actually though we may see an insect or animal writhing around in pain that their consciousness may well not be there in that horror.

Then I came across the words dictated by Meher Baba in His silence.

"This is what your life in illusion must experience and endure."


"The aim of life is to love,(God, as all love eventually goes to Him),

and the Goal of life is to become, (God), and there is no soul that is not destined for the Goal."


"The whole Creation is in a process of unconsciousness to consciousness, the exhausting of all experience and in the first human form it is complete, then involution begins unwinding all that experience to bring consciousness to equipoise and complete liberation from the illusion. . ." (paraphrased)

This made me ask, what qualifies a drop soul to merge back into The Shoreless Ocean of Infinitude, the Goal of all life? Is it true we as a bubble drop contain all the ingredients of that Ocean and that this individuated experience over a myriad of forms is just an illusion created to give us this opportunity from a point of love unimagined?

The One looking back at me in the mirror can be to much, especially when those words of incantation are released, it's like a spell, and it sometimes feels like the full force of that accumulated experience is reflected back telling you Who I really am, beyond form, Infinitude itself.

Thank God for the veils of that multicoloured bubble is what I say and mostly an amnesia of past lives.

That was a joy to share but then I don't care to let you in on more about my life than you care to know!

Thanks for the little grey cell lubrication Gerry.

Blessings from the Tipp Mtns


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As a caveat it may seem a little irreverent to say it's a spell or incantation but in that the home of The Beloved is said to be in our hearts then it stands to reason that an honest statement like "God loves me" can do incredible things.

"My home is your heart but I'm shy of strangers and those strangers are the millions of desires you hold onto. Let go the desires and you'll see me and know me as your very Self." (paraphrased)

Asked once, "What is God, how do we get it thorough mens heads?" the answer was, "It's very simple, just say God is the very Being of all beings.

It is said that God is the slave of His lovers, not so much to them but to their love. Woe betide anyone who assaults a true lover of God and actually in India it's generally known that if anyone disturbs a Musti, a God intoxicated soul Who posess huge amounts of psychic energy, that person has wasted their life!

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Yes Gerry ,Jesus loves you even if you reject him and the body bears the burden of our lifestyle, in my opinion it is best to accept those that love you and the body is by far the most efficient instrument. ever created

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Thanks for sharing those thoughts.

Something that just crossed my mind this morning, and that led me to once again marvel at just how incredible God's love is - thinking about the fact that God manages to deeply love people whom I can't stand at all. The extent of God's love is so amazing - as He loves even the worst of the worst - like horrific serial killers. So I prayed, asking Him to help me be more loving toward people that I'm inclined to only despise. "Our God is an awesome God" indeed.

Take care, peace of Christ. Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Enjoyed that. Great message and piece of writing as well. We all need someone to love and an someone to love us an none better than God himself. Could definitely identify the bit about the last pint when it should have been 5 pints before. Great analogy on filling the tank and the places we end up between fills an running on empty.

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