Mar 20Liked by The West's Awake

Lol.. I love this style of yours 😅.

Tantalising ..will they get into the heart to get to the heart of the matters of the heart ?

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In part two Tom gets the plumber in to fix the leak while himself and Nora get it on together.

Great story don't have us waiting too long for part two, Does it end in love or tears lol.

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You have me with tears in my eyes. I so needed to read this right now and your timing couldn't have been more perfect. I sat down with a cuppa (green of course), to check out my own SubStack. I didn't even get to it, when I was waylaid by your post. The image totally drew me in at first - I thought it was a swooping eagle's wings. I was also intrigued by nettles being the subject because I've been really drawn to nettles this Spring, which, I guess, means I need their incredible healing potency and all the more so at the moment because there is a vast amount of prickery going on in my private world right now. You spoke directly to my heart in this post, as I ponder the same dislocation of memory and relationship (though not nearly in such eloquent terms, I have to say and many, many uses of the word 'fuck' to go with...)

I wanted to mark Equinox with a post. However, because of said prickery, I was not feeling so much of the balance. Hence, I cheated and posted an audio somatic balancing practice, which I recorded last year, at a time when I was genuinely feeling it and a poem I wrote a few years back, when I was also feeling that beautiful balance. I suspect I posted mostly for myself because it is what I need but your brilliant post here this morning, has reminded me that I am not alone. Go raibh míle maith agat mo chara....x

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To be continued......what!


You have twenty minutes now get writing.

I'm hooked

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Mar 20Liked by The West's Awake

What fascinating characters you have created and intriguing storyline! Really enjoyed this read.

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