Apparently you are a male. You will never know what it means to get pregnant unintended. A three-day waiting period is not needed. Women have contemplated long before the fact what they would do if the situation occurred. All through history abortions have been performed. Pro-choice makes possible to have the termination as early as possible and safely. Too many women have died from botched abortions. You probably think you are saving "unborn babies". I want to save women. Who often already have a family and other children, that depend on them.

In the US where already women died from not being able to have a later-term abortion when the fetus was dying. Doctors now have to wait till they do not hear a heartbeat anymore. Meanwhile the decaying fetus is making the mothers body septic - which means a horrible death.

Your description about the arms of family/friends etc. is problematic for me. So easy to say if you do not have to bear consequences. A child means at least twenty years of responsibility for another human being. No small feat.

Lastly, IMO freedom of expression does not mean freedom to insult (and hurt other people with words).

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To leave no lingering doubt, always precede with ‘unmerciful’

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I think the point that is missed in Pro Choice V Pro Life, is the choice is made BEFORE the act that creates babies. Someone made THAT choice, and that choice has CONSEQUENCES. I did, as I posted somewhere on this thread, against my mother's wise words, and I paid for my foolishness.

That said abortions should be rare. Taxpayers opposed to it should not be forced to fund it. It is a very personal thing and should stay that way. The wise women of ancient times, knew how to quietly end an unwanted pregnancy EARLY, with herbal drugs. That would be a more useful conversation to have.

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Agreed. Interesting maybe for you is that in the Netherlands where abortion is legal, the number performed went down over the years. More openness about the sex-act etc. has led to better birth control. In case things go wrong there is plan B as well as the too-late treatment, 14 days after a missed period.

As a tax payer I have all my life paid for things I did not agree with, but that were seen as important by the society I lived in. In the US our taxes helped pay for two major invasions( Afghanistan. Irak). That is killing living, breathing people, also children. I wished tax payers revolted against war.

Ha ! Your mother had wise words for you ? Mine too ! I miss my mom every day.

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Why are you on this blog? Do I smell a troll?

God save us from any more "openness about the sex act". I don't like Drag Queen Story Hour either. And its not because I am "racist" or "homophobic" or "a prude".

Taxpayers all over the world protested the Iraq War and the entire "War OF Terror", including the taxpayer writing to you now. The criminals that committed those war crimes, should have been hung, including Obama, whom I helped win the Iowa caucus. He went on to bomb Libya back into the Stone Age.

The Creeps in the current criminal cabal, installed in governments worldwide, pushing abortion, death by vaccine, trans ideology, homosexuality, SMART Surveillance cities, the cashless society, and medical tyranny, will be tried and hung, God willing.

Sexual freedom has destroyed the lives of many people, and it severely impacted mine. As an adult, my opinions on sex now fall in line with what my Irish Catholic mother tried to teach me. I held opinions similar to yours, when I was a highly propagandized child. I had to learn from experience.

The author of this blog is in favor of a three day waiting period, as are the people who support him. Please find a blog whose readers have opinions similar to yours, unless you are interested in learning something, from people who are older and wiser than you.

This is my final word on your thread.

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I meant more openness about sex and the protection that is needed when engaging in it. How you get from this remark about responsible behavior to "drag queens" is unclear to me.

I thought we had a nice conversation going but apparentluy not. You want to hang just about anyone not agreeing with you. You condemn things before you even know what they entail. Your post is condescending and humiliating - older and wiser ? You think that applies to you ? Sorry, no. I have no idea what a "highly propagandized child" is. Apparently being that hurt you, a lot. I am sorry to read that. I wish you the best.

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Inga Muscio’s 1998 book 'Cunt: A Declaration of Independence', might change your mind about calling Helen McEntee a cunt if it is your intention to insult her because it is only an insult if you think strong women who desire sexual pleasure, are a bad thing.

I have a cunt and I'm very proud to say so. I am a woman. I have a cunt. I don't just have a vagina, which only refers to the sexual passage of the female from the vulva to the uterus. I have a cunt, which includes labia, vulva, pudendum, vagina and clitoris. This makes me very happy because I receive a lot of pleasure therefrom. The word 'vagina' has Latin origins and refers to a 'sword-sheath'. I am glad I have more than an orifice for a penis to be stuck into.

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Ha ! Good comment ! (I had to look up the word pudendum - a day is not wasted if you learn something new.)

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Ffs, keep your sword sheath in your pants and fuck off ye stupid cunt

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I don't know Helen but I'd say she is more of a " useful idiot " for the WEF etc . I wouldn't be surprised if getting rid of 3 day cooling period was engineered by them ( or their ' how to take over the world' programmed AI ) to further divide us . Abortion is another subject for which there is no simple right/ wrong answer and these subjects are the ones they use to divide and conquer and create a " far right " . I do hope JFK Jr is what he seems to be .

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RFK jr*

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I wonder if any of you have heard of a word called "gee bag". I first became aware of that word which means the same thing as cunt around 1975. Its a Dublin expression. I noticed the rise of the word cunt during the fake pandemic. Its mostly only a word used by men. They use it all the time over here in Spain, instead of fcuk or bollox. Its "cono" (there is an accent tilde over the n but my keyboard can't do it)

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Gee bag. L9l haven't heard that one in a long while.

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She qualifies as a bag of gees 😂

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I’m with you Gerry, perfect word to describe that shower. We are living in strange times. Hang on tight.

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I could't have put it better myself.

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I've met McEntee an you would have to say she is a lovely woman. But clearly behind that facade there is someone that will do an say anything to promote her own career including stuff she wouldnt believe in herself but she knows it will go down well with the power brokers in the country. The Irish times and RTE elites who dictate the paramters of thought in the country. Sadly it works. McEntee will be the next leader of Fine Gael. A party where there is lively competition for cunt of the year.

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I have on rare occasions been known to be a bit of a cunt. Thankfully the condition was temporary but not having been vaccinated against it, it only arises in new varieties. McEntee, on the other hand, being fully jabbed, is prone to endless infections by the woke variants. Let's be mindful of her child, who having a woke mother and a pharma father, is facing a lifetime of counseling.

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Time for the good auld Ciba Geigy alright, coz this one is a Sarcoptic Mangemite of a cunt.

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As Terrance Popp (redonkulas.com) often says of the C word you are using means: Can't Understand Normal Thinking.

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ye that would be a Stupid Cunt

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Well said and unfortunately true, unfortunate because our 'leaders' are exactly the litmus of the general sonambulistic population. The upshot of this is that I supose the normies will awaken when their backs are against the wall.

Blessings from Tipp


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I've used cunt and evil quite freely since very late 2001. Seems more people and situations fit this bill.

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To quote Sean Connery in The Untouchables. "That's the Chicago way."

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Helen McEntee is a cunt?

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She's the bull goose cunt. Cuntzilla!

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I think it can only be a hate crime if you hate cunt. For the receiver of this wonderful endorsement to perceive it as an insult they would have to have assumed your feelings towards cunt. This would be a micro aggression on their part towards you, and therefor making them guilty of a hate crime against you.

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I love your thinking. Thanks!

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