Absolutely always a pleasure to read sir.

Actually your writing should be mandatory reading in all schools and by every parent and adult as a reminder of what we are up against.

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Sorry for a second comment, but thanks for reviving the memory of the whole 'layers of protection' thing. It was an insidious piece of propaganda. They admitted that none of these layers work, but constructed it in such a way that 'oh well you're still a baddie if you don't do it cos it *might* work'.

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“We will do the lockdown and do the science later”. May 2021. Deputy Mattie McGrath said Holohan said this. Holohan never denied it. This was Ireland's '#1 guy' for de covid. This line, which got lost among so much other print, is as key as the line from the UK's Chilcott Inquiry: [Blair to Bush in an email] "I am with you whatever".

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Beautifully and powerfully written. These people are not in touch with reality-that a man who oversaw the travesty of the Pandemrix scandal and the Covid debacle is now fondly reminiscing about his wonderful career stretches the meaning of irony. Thank you as always for your work.

PS send Tony a copy-I'm sure he can't write as you do, so even if he doesn't like the content it might help him with his style!

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Well written. It is upside down times. I'm not even sure this can be fixed

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by The West's Awake

Thanks for sharing your considered thoughts Gerry , it is interesting how peoples memories around the swine flu vaccine has faded . Not to mention his role in the cervical smear scandal which has quietly been pushed to the side by the media . People have short memories & need to remind themselves that historically in Ireland if you have been wronged/injured by any state body you will have a long & difficult road ahead no.1, to receive answers no.2 , to receive justice often dished out Irish style on the steps of the courthouse .

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Gerry you must have enough material to write “the Real Anthony Holohan” book.

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