Just how hateful a person would one have to be to promote proven designed to be hazardous mRNA platform countermeasure / injections?

Why hasn't the dangerous mRNA treatments all been pulled? What is the excess death level to trigger withdrawal? Why are people & governments still promoting these bioweapon poisons?

On what grounds do they claim to inflict this harm on so many and more they 'jab' the better they keep saying... STOP mRNA now - pull it - Boom - bin it. Too much already. WAKE UP.

Do Journalists Have a Moral Duty to Expose the mRNA Industry's Endgame?

mRNA nanotechnology is a serious threat to humanity. Only by demanding full-disclosure and tightened regulations can we overcome this attack on 'changing what it means to be human.'


OCT 21, 2024


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17 Fine Gael TD's are leaving the sinking ship having created great destructon on the Nation.

They know the damage they have caused and they know that by their compliance and coerced loyalty of the Party Whip system they have betrayed the People and Nation of Ireland.

There will be no revelations or exposures of the machinations behind the destructive policies used to subjugate the Nation.

Omerta is the code of despotism, as they retire on their generous Taxpayer funded pensions.

Any fool that continues to vote for FF/FG is voting for their own impoverishment and enslavery.

The sins of the Regime are many ,from the Health damage of the Covid Hoax ,indoctrination of Children with the SPHE/RSE perverted pornographic paedophile grooming , the Mass Migration disaster, the Childrens Hospital fiasco, Bike shed comedy, Tusla's trafficking of children and many more hidden by theIr Media collaborators.

FFF/FG are but 2nd Class actors/puppets in this horror Movie.

Their Paymasters and string pullers are a combInination of UN, EU, WEF and Corporate Power who bribe these ,petty charlatans with sinecures and privileges for their rape of the Nation.

We are spiralling headlong into a dystopian,Totalitarian future without a driver at the wheel. on a suicide trip to Hell ,as the majority of the population slumber, unaware of the peril their indifference and somnolence has caused.

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Nothing to worry about in the Hate Crime Bill or any transgender Bills. This Bill, like 99% of all State Bills (and any liability outlined in the bill), only apply to legal persons, NOT- man or woman. Therefore it only affects you wo/man if you "consent" to being that government created legal person, as evidenced by your Birth Certificate.


1. A Birth Certificate is no different than a Certificate of Incorporation on a Company in Company House, except a Birth Cert is issued by the General Registrars Office in Roscommon. No different than "Mr. McDonalds".

2. How do you consent to being that legal person? When asked to state your name by the Police, Judge (in court), you say "JOHN SMITH" (not simply John). By doing this you appear as, act as, consent to be addressed as the legal person (company).

3. Remember, Law is ruled by Contact Law. In public, only a company can contract with a company, and in private only a wo/man can contract with a wo/man. A company (state body, court, corporation, organization) can never contract with a wo/man and visa-versa. So how to the state/government fix this. They create a corps, a corporation, a company for you called "JOHN SMITH" unlimited, evidenced by your Birth Certificate. All corp's/company a dead entities that only exist on paper.

4. Each profession has its own dictionary of terms and their own definition of those terms. The legal BAR is no different, on of which is Blacks Law Dictionary Ed 1 to 9. This is the dictionary they use in contracts and in court. In said dictionary as "legal person" is as knows as a person, individual, child, citizen, AND human. So when you vote, your are NOT voting as a wo/man, you vote as a corps (legal person) "consenting" again for your parent company (the State) to continue the pharse called "demon-cracy" to have control over you for another 4 years,

The law is not complicated. Just know legal bill's are for legal persons, and citizen are not wo/man. As Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage", so don't acts as something you are not.

Cheers, Dave

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Hi Dave. Seems complicated. As Laoise explained : Couldn't a male enter a female private space such as dressing rooms, and claim to identify as a woman even after the fact to justify their intrusion ?

Cannot a transgender recertify their gender identity ?.

Should we not attempt to influence TDs to block the albeit amended hate Speech bill.?

The full implications have not yet been discussed? Is there another bite tomorrow Wednesday 24 yh October?.

It's not easy to find out details. .

Will we write to The TDs warming them.?.

They can be rushing legislation to get to the polls ?

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Hi Nessa,

It's not complicated when you take a step back and look at it outside the box. Actually its a breath of fresh air, makes your life VERY simple. Let me get some basic concepts out of the way before answering your questions below.

Issue is schooling / repeated-entrainment has put our minds so far in the box, its hards for wo/man to come out of it, as no one likes to think they have been fooled / lied too or thick. The more educated you are, the harder it is, and the more your will to reinforce your entrainment on others. As Joseph Goebbels said "That if a lie is repeated frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it as true".

Nessa, Man/Woman, boy/girl are lawful classifications. Legal person (corps/company) classifications are a) Sex [Male, Female] are legal person classification, b) Titles [Mr. Miss, Dr. Prof. Minister etc]. Therefore Transgender is just another legal person sex classification. It's not different than Business type [Engineering, Medical, Social, Educational, etc].

Q1: Couldn't a male enter a female private space such as dressing rooms, and claim to identify as a woman even after the fact to justify their intrusion ?

A1: If you "CONSENT" to being a legal person, then Yes, because the bill applies to legal persons. Think it through "I Nessa, as a women don't consent to you a man entering my dressing room, and don't consent to your use of a legal bill that classifies your fictional legal person as a false means to enter this dressing room".

Q2: Cannot a transgender recertify their gender identity ?.

A2: They can rectify their company sex type all they want. See what I mean ;-) It's company legal policy, nothing got to do with wo/man.

Q3: Should we not attempt to influence TDs to block the albeit amended hate Speech bill.?

A3: Think it through. Your TD identifies as a legal person working for a parent corporation (the State). Your influence, public protest or vote, is just enforcing your consent a) as a wo/man to identify as your state created legal person, b) the legality of said parent company have power over you (via your state created person). The more attention you give give it, the more power it has. It's no different than a spell.

Q4: They can be rushing legislation to get to the polls?

A4: And so what if they do. It's not lawful. Remember, Legislation (Bills) is parent company (government) policy. It's their company rules (terms and conditions) of doing business. So is you identify as and vote as a legal person [sub-company (employee) of the parent company (government)], then you consent to those rules applying to your legal person, and you as wo/man again freely consented to identifying as that legal person.

NOTE 1: Don't worry, it took be many years to see the illusion for what it is and how to stop the state from imposing it on you. Nessa, your Alice in Wonderland, the strawman is your legal person, and the man behind the curtain is the State, Education, Courts, and Main Stream Media enforcing this entrainment on you repeatedly every day. And they do it with you "consent".

NOTE 2: Nessa, you CONSENT to being that company legal person "NESSA JENNINGS" unlimited throughout the day. Your ID card, Bank/Debit/Credit card, Driving licence, School card ALL identify your company legal person "NESSA JENNINGS" and are linked to the incorporation of that company legal person "NESSA JENNINGS", as evidenced by the state issued Birth (Company) Certificate (of incorporation).

NOTE 3: When you go into the shop or bank you pull out your bank card to identify as that company legal person. Same when you go into a State building, you pull out your ID card and consent to identify as that company legal person. When the Police pull you over and ask your name, you say "NESSA JENNINGS" and you show them the company legal person driving licence. In all the above mentioned implied/expressed Contract transactions, you CONSENTED that you the wo/man are that legal person. No one forced you to do so. Why would you do that? ASK YOURSELF.

NOTE 4: Yes, it is true the police and court do use coercion, harassment and intimidation to make consent to identifying as that legal person (which is a legal crime), but just stand your ground and say no, "My name is "Nessa", of the family Jennings. I do not identify as or am the owner of the legal person NESSA JENNINGS, nor do I consent to contract with you on behalf of the legal person NESSA JENNINGS. And anything you force me to do (using use coercion, harassment and intimidation) in under duress."

NOTE 5: Remember, the owner of legal person NESSA JENNINGS (trust) is the State. The State is the creator, the State employee are the Trustees, and your the wo/man are the beneficiary.

NOTE 6: You ask, but how can I live if I don't consent to identify as that legal person. That's true. You need to know when to consent (contract) and when not to consent (not to contract). If the contract is of no benefit to you, meaning you have to pay (a fine etc), then don't contract. It's that SIMPLE.

Stick with it, you'll get it eventually. Now you know all letters (excluding post card) you get in the post are addressed to your public legal person (company/entity).

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Fine Dave. I get what you explained there. Still the govt should be reined in when it comes to enacting proposed laws that would mess with female only designated spaces if the hate Speech law would prefer ' protected categories' of self- declared new ' types' who can do what they like a new legislation effectively eradicates individual rights once enacted ..

Listen what Laoise de Brun said just then..not only that. This seems urgent

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Agree with you Nessa.

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So glad you said all this Laoise de Brun. So eloquently explained.

It appears they wioll rush this through , then announce a plebiscite election. You know the raft of resigning current Fine Gael TDs ; can they be swayed to refute the bill ?

It s really grave matter to be messing in . Could you provide / or please tell us where to find the list of email contact details of the TDs who will take part in the legislation vote ?

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Ignore all of it. All systems/establishments.Re-build our own systems locally with local people.

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Laoise puts her case really well. Makes the complex sound simple. It's shocking what's goin on here . The NGO mob are relentless. They have control over the whole system and the real traitors in this operation are the so called conservative parties of FF & FG who are front and centre in ensuring the NGO class succeed. I think it helps that the FG/FF mob believe in nothing apart from power and their own career. They are therefore open to whatever way the wind is blowing in the NGO / Irish times class. The PR electoral system also adds to the problem where a small party can have massive influence on a Government. Also makes it easier for larger parties to be in Government all the time. FF , eg , got only 23% of the vote in the last election and yet they ended up in Government and leading it for 2 years. FF under Charlie Haughey in the eighties got 45% of the vote and ended up in Opposition for 5 years .

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Fine Gael only got 20% last time round, I think. Bizarrely they are likely to return with more seats.

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Who is really in charge? It's certainly not us nor does it appear to be our elected representative's. So the question begs who is calling the tune that we are supposed to dance along to? And do we want to dance and do we even like the tune.

I have a strong belief that the majority of people do not believe our best interests are being met. So who's interests are these policies meeting?

Collectively we still have the power - we need to move beyond the small differences that keep us divided we must not let the oldest trick in the book be used against us again and again. And unite on the matters that are about to completely undermine the foundation of our society'and once gone will not be coming back.

Our forefathers fought to the death for our freedom and now we appear to be unconsciously meandering over the cliff like lemmings - whilst being amused to death by Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and the likes.

If you have nothing to Die for you have nothing to Live for!

It's time we all found our true purpose.

Pray On 🙏

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Well, it ain't ordinary people around the country that are in charge that is for sure..

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How have these people been given SO MUCH power when they clearly work for the globalists and not the Irish citizens? It’s the same the world over. We were clearly sleeping on the job of holding them to account. They don’t even care about accountability anymore. They don’t need to as their careers are protected by the Luciferians as long as they keep doing what they’re told. Shame on us.

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Agree Aine.

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Facebook won't allow me to share this article 😒 😑 🙄 😕

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It has been removed from all Facebook groups. Never seen this happen before. Please share via whatsapp if you can.

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They may have nothing to lose, but all they have to gain is self respect. If their activities to date are any indication, they dont care about that.

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It's not even our government. They are beholden to the chosen ones. Which why the bill focuses on protecting them not irish

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Yep, we go through that

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