Feb 20Edited

You're asking the questions I've not heard another soul ask, Gerry. This was probably part of the hidden 'transfer of wealth' which accelerated during the lockdown era.

Quick note on where PPPs came from:

'Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation'- by Patrick Wood. Page 106:

"The Alliance for Redesigning Government (ARG) [was] an NGO that was founded ... for the express purpose of redesigning government..... Financial supports at the top of the list included ... At&T, General Electric, Goldman Sachs... IBM and Xerox. Philantropic donations poured in from.... Carnegie Corporation, the Pew Charitable Trust, The MacArthur Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation among others. The Board of Advisors included Trilateral Commission Members. The Alliance then Formally introduced Public Private Partnerships as a tool of economic development of choice in its own literature. ...."


So, next time you see 'PPP' on a tolled motorway sign, or that ridiculous tunnel in Limerick where the builders had to be compensated for *perceived* loss of profits, remember the intellectual basis of PPPs came from corporatocracy.

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The root problem is that everyone is addicted to wireless technology - from the ordinary consumer to the most powerful technocrat. So nobody cares as long as they have a smart device in their hands and a signal.

A far more pressing issue than national security risks is the fact that cell towers (and wireless tech in general) are polluting the planet with microwave radiation which is completely toxic to all biological life. The wireless industry is literally terraforming our planet, making it inhospitable to biological life, but a veritable playground for robots and AI - which is ultimately what it's all for.

Cell towers are decimating the insects, birds, soil and everything else. Every time someone buys a cell phone and pays for a network connection they are DEMANDING a cell tower be placed on every square mile of the Earth's surface (and in space).

Wireless is not a sustainable technology. It never was, and never will be.

Destroying the ecosystem (and food supply) and making everyone sick with microwave radiation sickness (brain fog, anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, heart palpitations, flu like symptoms, chronic fatigue) is not only an acceptable price to pay for Big Business - it actually benefits them. They can rebrand the microwave symptoms as another 'virus' and sell more vaccines for it, and they can market their synthetic foods as replacements as the real food supply collapses.

Bees are already officially extinct in several US states now. You can bet they will sell insect drones to replace bees and pollinate the plants in the coming years. Each collapse of biological life is a boon for the technocratic class (the WEF crowd) who want to replace the living world (including humans) with robots, synthetic biology and AI anyway.

Anyone with a smartphone in their hand is - I'm afraid to say - part of the problem. But of course, that also makes them potentially part of the solution too (throw the damn thing away!)


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Good investigation, Gerry. Seems to me that Blackrock, Blackstone and Vanguard have their fingers in everyone's pie and not just here in the U.S. Perhaps they are the true "Deep State".

Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Great bit of info there. My daughter and I went for a walk yesterday up by where a new mast is going up. As there was no one around the mast site, we decided to walk down a dirt track to take a closer look. Within a couple of minutes of us taking this detour, a low flying drone was buzzing around us. The drone stayed over us until we got back onto our original path.

Nothing surprises me anymore, Ireland is just another sucker vassal state of the Anglo-Saxons with an uber obedient elite class. Don't worry though, we the people of Ireland are owed €350 billion by our masters in the form of US Treasury bonds. Yes, our government have not only helped asset strip our country, but they even paid the US handsomely for the privilege.

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Thanks for this Eoin. That is mad about the drones

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These towers are known to be hazardous to human health. Kicking out carcinogenic EMF. The EPA know this and cover it up, they are placed under an EU directive too. Ignoring the precautionary principle points to something far more nefarious than a motivation of greed or profit. This technology can be used to kill at will, especially as it’s capable of generating frequencies that will cause acute lung injuries in graphene doped people. They can modulate these activations to mimic “outbreaks” in scamdemic 2. The EPA are doing nothing, they hide behind the ICNIRP who are as corrupt as their EU funders. Same EU wanted everyone jabbed or they couldn’t travel. You could cause me of paranoia if excess deaths and cancers weren’t such a massive (mysterious and unexplained!?!!) problem.


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I submitted the following to our local authority for consideration- this was in conjunction with the county's 5 year development plan.

"Routinely measure EMF waves from phone masts - publish results in local media & annual report - identify where limits are breached. & follow up with the company. "

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This a great idea, Jer.

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Irish republicanism was always thinly disguised Fabian socialism in service to the central banking cabal and the esoteric aspect that drives it, but so called Irish nationalists refuse to discuss it. Once a nation rejects the devine, all hell breaks loose. So it goes. Shalom from Munster 🕊️💚☘️🙏

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Yerrah now what are you worried about? Mehole said sovereignty was backwards. And he's a man who'd know.

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Premiership level research in that article. I always think these companies make mince meat of Government and civil service in these contracts . I don't think its corruption either . It's a combination of apathy , lack of ability and cover ur back in everything u do. I work in HSE and the main skill set that's valued is communication skills at the interview stage and the ability to explain why something has gone wrong . Common sense wont get u the big jobs. In the crash assets were sold off for peanuts when they could easily be held on when prices recovered. It's only taxpayers money an no one cares. Trump is trying to address that mentality in US . Whether he succeeds is another question.

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Thanks Seanie, agree with you.

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Thank you for this information. Omg just so disappointed in Eire honestly. The agendas are just so widespread now. I recall the early Pl8andemic days and watching the subsequent roll out of these cell towers everywhere when people were otherwise “distracted”. Greed is always the beast that allows these nepharious agendas to land.

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Super greed now the main agenda

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The agendas are too many to keep up with, Mara Elaine.

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Thank you, no suprise, Blackrock and Vanguard, but you've done the leg work so you have so thank you!

Joy from Tipperary, Eire.


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Thanks James.

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Great information here

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Thanks Stephen.

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A very good and informative article, it makes you question why is our government allowing this foreign investment firm monopolise our mobile phone network. You Paddies will own nothing and ne happy!

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It might be very easy switch that network off........

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Correct Gerry a very foolish and dangerous position to be in.

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I know, I wrote about both as an ex electric engineers here: https://open.substack.com/pub/allthatssolid?r=2sx8q2&utm_medium=ios

On Wings of the Wind.

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I think if you dig a bit deeper you will also find that Fink and pals are all zionists, despicable creatures who supported the genocide in Gaza.

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And the vaccine genocide. All linked.

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I'e enough to be worrying about !

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Excellent piece, this is part of a broader trend. Many of the wind farms are owned by asset managers.https://www.amazon.co.uk/Our-Lives-Their-Portfolios-Managers/dp/1839768983.

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Something to consider, wind farms have a highly negative E-ROI and are extremely bad for the environment from both a mining, maintenance, & construction perspective: https://old.bitchute.com/video/dvw1nzcVVPpf [3:01mins]

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And data centres.

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