Yes brilliant as usual Gerry.Happy New Year

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Brilliant!! 👏👏👏

Reading this was like receiving a less painful digest of all the mass-distraction BS I don't read myself. Sorry that you have to be the one to wade through all the crap and thank you for delivering it neatly packaged and with humour to my inbox, making it far less painful for me 😅

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Excellent piece Gerry. Makes up for your recently revealed soft spot for the israeli financial foothold in Asia- which I see as a long term futures market - venture capitalist speculative, jooish bank (primarily) - attempt to capitalise on Asia's vast resources - all wrapped up in toxic messianic religious fever.

Shur the chosen special race of non semite jews are gods own and are exempt from the usual checks & balances. I digress. Apols.

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Happy New Year Gerry, wouldn't it he great if the nutty professor could "advise" the government on environmental policy seeing that the only real requirement is to be able to make it up on the fly!

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And be so well-liked and regarded by Joe Public that even when he cocks it up to the point of cringe-worthiness, no one pulls him up on it and he is still trotted out on every occasion 🙄

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Consider this assessment I just read: On American expansionism.

The incoming administration seems to have a more realistic image of the state of American hegemonial decline and wants to take proactive steps to try to counteract and reverse it, breathing new life into the American Global Empire.

In this context, it makes perfect sense for the US to increase pressure on its vassals. I am not using the term in a pejorative sense. The US does not have “allies” in the traditional meaning of the word. It has vassals with different levels of feudal obligations and elite integration, and different tasks. Extracting more value from vassals -- whether through tariffs, increased NATO budgets, meddling in local politics or potential territorial concessions -- is an absolutely logical step in cementing and renewing America's position as overlord of its sphere.

There are three ways America's European vassals can react to this: look for protection outside of the sphere, try to make themselves more useful/necessary & advance integration, or take it on the face. Were we in, I don't know, the 19th century, Denmark would just ask Russia for military support in Greenland in exchange for mild economic concessions and never worry again. As it is, the Royal Danish Army does not have any artillery anymore because they gave it all away for the purpose of firing cluster ammunition at Russian children in Donetsk. They did not receive anything in return for that and it did not help any Danish purpose. They cannot defend themselves if push comes to shove and they can't ask anybody to help because most of their fellow vassals have done the same. The most likely option is that they'll just take it on the face. Not just for pragmatic reasons, but also because they genuinely enjoy being dommed geopolitically.

America has no obligation to treat its vassals better. I've seen Danish people complain on here about supporting the US after 9/11, participating in the American wars in the Middle East, etc. That's ridiculous. You know how a colony is rewarded for sending troops to its overlord's wars? It doesn't get beaten. That's the reward for a lackey. Any person who takes any of the NATO democracy liberalism pilpul seriously is just not a serious person, it was never real, it was always just voluntary submission to be absolved from existing in History.

The world that existed in 1991-2022 does not exist anymore. It's not coming back. You can just invade your neighbor. You can just fire missiles at international shipping lanes. You can just threaten to annex members of your military alliance. “You can just do things”, as the techbros like to say. The mirage of a post-historical order that only has to be policed from time to time but is never seriously challenged has disappeared. What did you think canceling the End of History meant? Vibes? Papers? Essays? It's not pleasant to be suddenly confronted with all of the above. It's not pleasant to have to admit to yourself that your existence was a coddled theme park that is existentially dependent on the relative position of someone else and how he feels about that relative position. America's vassals WILL have to confront this state of things and make hard decisions about their future. This means reckoning with their geopolitical impotence and either embracing dependency with open eyes or seeking pathways to autonomy that will inevitably involve risk, sacrifice, and a recalibration of their national priorities.

The era of coasting on borrowed security and ideological rhetoric is over. What lies ahead is a world where historical agency must be reclaimed or forever relinquished, and for many, the question may not be whether they are ready to make that leap, but whether they even remember how. America has now understood this -- and is mentally preparing to switch back to the cold logic that comes with actual History. The times, they are a-changin'.

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Question , If we have no chance of getting back to the Punt and we are to be swallowed up by some other entity and we had a choice . Which would we prefer the Dollar or the Euro ?.

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A troubling question. I'd need to kno more about how soros & co can speculate a currency in to the ground - before I'd tackle that question.

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Re: O'Neill's vaccine flip-flip

The month Albert Bourla (Pfizer CEO) said that a 4th jab will be needed to protect against 'variants' (March 2022), is the same month he published the book titled (sit down for this), 'Moonshot: Inside Pfizer's Nine-month Race to Make the Impossible Possible’. Talk about chutzpah.

Recall that O'Neill first advised people to not wear masks, and to simply keep washing hands (same as Prof. Carl Heneghan). Then it was two masks a year later. A year after that, he quietly went back to no masks.

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Lots in there Gerry - I will add to your potpourri of issues - following the US debt picture, international central banks, the fate of the US dollar - one would know central banks are buying gold (now a tier one asset) in lieu of US treasuries. For some countries it’s to avoid being at the mercy of the US bully. But there’s also another reason, the dollar is being inflated away (losing purchasing power) and the interest paid on 10 year treasuries falls well short of compensating for this loss. For those who understand compounding as the 8th wonder of world, it’s equally powerful on the downside. As you might sadly imagine, Ireland’s central bank is one of the largest buyers of US treasuries (therefore losing purchasing power as inflation persists - and according to those who follow these things - inflation is set to continue (because the US government cannot stop their spending and wars are expensive so further money printing is inevitable). If Ireland were to store its nation’s wealth in physical gold, in due course, this proud nation wouldn’t be so vulnerable to the whims of the US (or others).

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Didn't realise we were one of the largest buyers of US treasuries, Kerri. That is interesting.

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We are 8th in the rankings for US treasury holdings. Japan is first, followed by China (who’s reducing their purchases), UK, Luxembourg, Canada, Caymen Islands, Belgium then Ireland. I know Canada owns no gold and I also read Ireland bought I think 7 tonnes of gold 3 or 4 years ago. The number of US corporations here may be an influencing factor?

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Now O'Neill is one chap I wish a slow painful death upon. The scumiest, scumbag in a nation overflowing with scumbags. Even scumier than bono the bollocks.

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Hi Gerry, your articles are top notch and and crammed with real facts and a unique perspective that hits the target even through it's expressed with a jaundiced ,weary eye.

Let me say however that Trump is not in the least bit worried about Ireland's taxation dilemma as he knows full well that it's politicians and establishment will slide very easily down their greasy poles into his bag of magic tricks ,illusion and cultish deception. He believes ,with some confidence, that Ireland is already stitched up and in the bag so he's threatening to re-invade Panama to expell CHinaaa in order regain control of the canal. Not only this he wants to make Greenland part of the USA by any means necessary including by military force if needed and then we have his utter disdain for Canada his nearest ally and neighbour. What could go wrong with this dangerous might is right empire strutting pantomime? He must be thinking why can't these other recalcitrant countries mentioned above be bought off and are so willingly to be culturally raped and to become as spiritually bereft as America is and as fast as Ireland is now

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I agree with most of this. I am worried most about the combination of Trump and Musk as a power unit.

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It concerns me greatly too Gerry and now we have Zuckerberg jumping on the bandwagon to give us all the false impression that the truth about major issues will be given the same prominence in the media be it alternative or otherwise as expertly and professionally produced spin and downright falsifications made intentionally to distract, obfuscate and deceive the public.

This oligarchy that now has joined forces to in effect take control of the alternative media

is very similar to what occurred in the legacy media which was taken over by a handful of newspaper magnates and corporate entities and all the pirate radio stations were shut down and local newspapers were brought up by the powerful international media and entertainment industry. What's happening now with Trump and Musk is no different to what happened to the legacy media journalists who are nowadays content to repeat ad infinitem any fabrication that they are spoon-fed from on high in order to keep their jobs. We are now well on our way to neo-feudalism which is otherwise know to all as the great reset, which will be run and controlled by corporate oligarchs like Trump, Musk,Besos,Gates and a couple of other powerful multi billionaires with the blessings of dictatorial political strongmen like Trump himself, Putin,Modi,Netanyahu, the leader of China and some others .it's only the beginning of the new mass enslavement of mankind because heretofore they didn't have the means or the technology to construct ,to enforce and install it but now they do and now Trump with Musk as his sidekick is a perfect combination to move humanity on and into Harari's genetically modified immortality and perfectly manicured and maintained life extension settlements.

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Does anyone have the American national anthem in Gaelic handy by any chance.

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Dr. Ben Livingstone the Father of Weather Weapons.

For years people have failed to look up (at the sky) now they look down (at a screen) to look up what they failed to notice above them even though everyone was telling them to see “what’s going down”

They called them “con- trails” we thought they meant condensation’ but it was all about the ‘Con’ (Con-a-dense nation?) They deliberately dumbed down the generations, so that the people would hang their heads in shame, depression and despair, then they slipped a screen in front of them to make them feel alive again, and behold they are reborn

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We may look back on these times & call them “the good old days” because they are so interesting.

If the general public stopped for a minute & actually sat down to read some “boring” documents issued by the progenitor group of “Global Warming/Climate Change/ Extinction Rebellion” notably The Club of Rome, they might come to the conclusion, very quickly, mind you, that these “brainiacs” have no more credibility than a sideshow huckster at the local fairgrounds. One does not need to be an academic/ brain surgeon/ rocket scientist to see they have nothing to offer as evidence beyond shrill cries of alarms & pleading for attention & funding ( much more funding) as an indulgence to appease the Wizard of Weather who is very angry now, and as intercessiors they will tell you how angry & how much you need to “grab your ankles” & comply harder to their edicts. Seriously they are that shameless !

Just look up “The father of Weather Weapons” Ben Livingston

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Dublin: Chief City of Airstrip .02

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These political commentaries have a touch of the mysterious night about them and are all the better for it.

Perhaps the delay in forming a government is because those who like to think they will be part of it are waiting to see what happens next, or have been told to wait and see more likely. I am referring of course to January 20th and the aftermath.

We live in interesting times.

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