Spirit and spirituality mean different things to different people. One of the goals, as I move forward is to broaden the boundaries of how I look at this subject matter in my writing and conversations. A few years ago, when I was down the Bitcoin and crypto-currency rabbit-hole, many videos on the crypto topic would end by saying “ This is not financial advice “. Well, in terms of my explorations, I would adjust the phrase slightly and say, it should go without saying that my spiritual ramblings on the West’s Awake should not be considered spiritual advice!
I enjoy, though, chatting with people that employ a different compass to my own in the way they interpret the world, and the world beyond. So, I was delighted to chat with a fellow traveller on the substack road earlier this evening. Demi Pietchell writes and podcasts on Starfire Codes and produces content on a range of topics including media, meta-physics, source and soul consciousness, numerology, and tarot. And much more besides. I have been following Demi’s output for about four months with a growing curiosity. She wrote a two part article on nostalgia that really caught my attention, as I often draw on particular nostalgic periods of my life in my writing. We discuss this and more during our conversation. You can take a look at Demi’s work on substack below. Hope you enjoy.
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This stuff can quickly turn dark and slide into the occult.
Christianity has always been against divination and fortune telling. It is inviting spirits you don't want to mess with, like "playing" with a Ouija board.
What got us to our troubles today has involved decades of powerful personalities promulgating anything to destroy the west's culture and Christianity.
These approaches are not harmless and should not be promoted.
Sorry Gerry this is a money racket , and going down that road can bring dark stuff into your life if your not very careful , she is mixing some real stuff with new age bullshite but hey she will get a following and make a few bob. This is only my opinion from being involved in this stuff years back.